Sunday, March 1, 2009


The Lord gives us the desires of our hearts, but our desires might not always be in line with His desires. How do you distinguish your own desires from His will? How can you make the decision that something that would clearly be of eternal worth in benefitting His kingdom is not what His will is for your life?

Someone told me that you often have to take a step of faith and hope that is where God is leading, especially if it is a step to go and serve Him. That same person told me that a willing heart is enough of a sign that it is Gods will, at least in the context of ministry. But what if God is telling me not to go.

How can i possibly make the decision in good conscience that God does not want me to go and share His gospel to the nations? Whywould He not want me to do that?

1 comment:

  1. well, starting from your last question moving upwards:

    God wouldn't want you go go share the Gospel to the nations at this particular time for many possible reasons. I don't know where you are right now to say one way or another, but just know there are many reasons why God would have you be held back for a period of time until you're ready to go do whatever you are thinking of doing. Reasons could be maturity, relationships, family, motives.... pretty much anything.

    But don't worry about what God wants you to do in the future (near or far) because ultimately what will get you to His ultimate will is how much effort you put in your daily walk. If you're close to Him, your desires will be His. If you BE who He wants you to BE, you will DO what He wants you to DO.

    So, basically, if you're tight with our Dad and you still have a huge desire to go and do whatever you're deciding on (summer project perhaps? i don't remember exactly)-- chances are you're supposed to do it. But don't get stressed out in things like this, because that's what separates the people who are proactive in ministry and those who fall back and ultimately fail.

    As far as personal experience with this topic goes, I can tell you that focusing on the here and now and continually growing and reaching the next level with Him will always make these issues easier to get through. I have no doubt that He wants all of us to take every opportunity that HE provides for us to go share the Gospel.... but learning what He is providing and what people provide is hard to determine sometimes. I'll be praying for you! I love you!
